You can reach the Warnemünde Cruise Center comfortably with the local transport.The train station „Warnemünde“ is only 5 walking minutes away. You can reach the train station „Warnemünde Werft“ in approx. 10 walking minutes. The suburban train (S-Bahn) leaves every 10 minutes from Rostock central station to Warnemünde. Please find here the current depature times.
There are three possibilities for your arrival at the cruise terminal „Warnemünde Cruise Center“:
A – approx. 500 m / 5 min., not fully accessible Description: Exit the train station „Warnemünde“, walk through the train station tunnel (stairs) and continue to walk in the direction of the passenger quay
Der Bahnhofstunnel Warnemünde ist nicht barrierefrei. Rollstuhlfahrern und Gehbehinderten empfehlen wir daher folgende Wege:
B – approx. 850 m / 8 min., fully accessible Description: Exit the train station „Warnemünde“, walk in the direction of the centre and continue to walk across the parking lot in the city centre, then take the way on the left via the ramp in the direction of the passenger quay.
C – approx. 1.200 m / 10 min., fully accessible Description: Exit the train station „Warnemünde-Werft“ and take the exit „Warnemünde Cruise Center“ on the left hand side, walk along the Werftallee in the direction of the passenger quay.
To all wheelchair users: We recommend option C for all wheelchair users and those with a mobility handicap in terms of safety and simplicity.
Cruise ships - Rostock Seaport
Moorings: LP 31, 41, 42
Arrival on land - on the road
Enter the following information into your navigation system: Rostock seaport, Zum Fährterminal, 18147 Rostock
From the South on the motorway A19 (From the direction of Berlin) - exit the A19 at AS Rostock-Überseehafen and turn right into the street Straße „Am Seehafen“, follow the street - turn left on the second crossroad into the Ost-West-Straße
From the West on the motorway A20 (From the direction of Hamburg/Lübeck) - take the second exit on the right hand side at Autobahnkreuz Rostock onto the A19 in the direction of Rostock - exit the A19 at AS Rostock-Überseehafen and turn right into the street Straße „Am Seehafen“, follow the street - turn left on the second crossroad into the Ost-West-Straße
You can reach the seaport of Rostock comfortably with the local transport. Station: „Seehafen Fähre“. Please inform yourself about the current depature times here: