Activities & destinations in Rostock
A stay in Rostock offers you a very special experience between city, seaside resort and nature. Get to know the historical city or our seaside resorts during a group tour or harbour tour. Discover the sights and destinations in Rostock and Warnemünde in a very individual way with your family. Relax in a beach chair by the sea or feel the sea breeze during sporting activities on and off the water. The City of Rostock offers activities for sports enthusiasts indoors and outdoors. Whether shopping, culture or activity holidays at the Baltic Sea - Rostock has the right offer for every guest. If you’d like to head out into nature, the huge coastal forest of the Rostock Heath awaits you.
Doing sport in Rostock & Warnemünde
Movement for everyone!
Sports enthusiasts can experience a wide range of associations and sports clubs in the City of Rostock. Whether football or ice hockey - there is something for everyone. And those who want to do their own sports will certainly find something for themselves.
Active in Rostock & Warnemünde
Day trip destinations in and around Rostock